APA Congress Xstream

APA Congress Xstream 2021 | Bridging the Gap Between the USA & Europe

Industry Event: APA Congress Xstream 2021 NOVATIVE are excited to announce we will be joining Payroll professionals at this year’s APA Congress Xstream, taking place virtually 18th – 21st May 2021. Do you Love Payroll? Payroll professionals convene at Congress Xstream to share how they shape the world. This educational event allows attendees to build a…

Checklist Virtual Onboarding

The Ultimate Check-List | How to Master Onboarding Remotely

Master Virtual Onboarding with our Checklist Onboarding new employees sets the overall tone of the employees experience and impression of the new company. It also allows managers to plan and strategically put focus on topics the employee will need to start bringing results. Especially now that the work environment has shifted to more remote work…

Recruitment & Onboarding Novative Team Experience

Remote Recruitment & Onboarding | The Experience of the Novative Team

Remote Recruitment & Onboarding: Discover the Novative Employee Experience! Since 1993, Novative has been constantly innovating to offer complete and personalized services to our clients. Novative’s success is also the success of its team which is growing every day and expanding across the world. Recruiting & onboarding remotely new recruits is a challenge that we…