6 PTO polices for a smooth holiday season

Linkedin Twitter Facebook With the holidays’ festivities approaching, it’s not unusual to see decorated desks left unattended. It’s the perfect time for people to go on trips or enjoy quality time with family and friends. Yet, for employers, it’s like everyone’s trying to catch the same holiday wave, and suddenly, scheduling turns into a bit…

Why Employee Performance Evaluations Are Important | Part 2

Employee Evaluations are part of every successful company – why? Placing importance on performance evaluations can help you recognize when employees need additional training or tools to be successful. They can also become a source of contention and frustration in the workplace. Employers can change the dynamic of evaluations. Utilizing them as a resource to…

Unncessesary Stress: Performance Appraisal

Tips to Combat Unnecessary Stress Related to Performance Appraisals

Performance Appraisals can be a real tool for engaging and enhancing your employee wellbeing if carried out correctly. They can be a super effective method to keep track of goals, retain employees and make sure that company and employee objectives are equally met. However, in the past, performance reviews have been miss-used by some employers,…