GPA UK Payroll Summit

The GPA UK Payroll Summit 2019

Team Novative were in London on the 14th March for the GPA UK Payroll Summit. The event took place at The Royal Institute of Great Britain, a stunning venue in the centre of London. The agenda was jam-packed with sessions that covered pressing issues in the industry and looked at the challenges affecting payroll &…

Médecins Sans Frontières

Advent Calendar Window 24: NOVATIVE Proud to Make Donation to Médecins Sans Frontières

This year NOVATIVE is not sending out paper Christmas cards. We are instead making a donation to support the less fortunate. Our chosen charity is Médecins Sans Frontières. Médecins Sans Frontières, also known in English as Doctors Without Borders, is an international humanitarian medical non-governmental organisation of French origin best known for its projects in…